B2B Telemarketing
Business To Business Telemarketing services are one of the best ways to uncover potential opportunities, build rapport and convert potentials into a qualified sales meeting. Use our senior level telemarketing to create and maintain a healthy sales pipeline of current and future business opportunities to give you a consistent and reliable stream of sales revenue.

Appointment Setting
Our usual end goal of a marketing campaign. Be it warmed up from an email campaign or cold from a short but precisely selected 'hot list' provided by a client of their perfect customers. Ultimately we always want to arrange a well qualified appointment which is confirmed in both their, and our client's, diary.
The approach is from a Business Development aspect and building relationships opposed to just getting a sale or even worse, strong-arming into a meeting. By engaging with Decision Makers at their level, with a clear understanding of our client's service offering, we are able to ascertain key business intelligence (pre agreed with you) to help qualify the prospect.
We never use scripts as they don't allow for fluidity of conversation however we do structure the calls around key questions being answered. Utilising our experience and phone techniques we have engaging, warm and candid conversations about current pain-points, business goals, plans in the pipeline and any contractual agreements helping us confirm if they are in an ideal position to have a meeting and take things further. If they need to be nurtured for a period of time until they are ready then we have everything in place to do that. Or potentially they just aren't the right fit for our clients' in which case we politely disqualify them and move on.
There is a lot of trust when representing a client with B2B telemarketing/ arranging new business appointments so we go out of our way to ensure you are presented in the highest light as possible. The knock-on effect of having excellent calls before your meeting is you are already starting in a very good position as they like your brand and it makes for a far easier task of closing the business.
Lead Generation

A lot of our clients have a sales team/ dedicated person in place to manage new business opportunities and take them from qualified & keen to attended meetings and converted business.
For this reason, when we uncover a genuine opportunity that meets the pre-agreed criteria (typically the correct size of business (by number of employees), in a given industry and within a certain distance from the Head office) we pass the lead over.
With this service, we are very much finding the needles in the haystack, doing all the leg work and handing over the finished results to be carefully looked after by an internal sales team.
This service is also ideal for businesses who have a good handle on their inbound marketing activity and want to bolster the number of leads coming in with a pro-active and highly targeted approach.

Lead Qualification/ Lead Nurturing
We help deliver high-value, better qualified leads to your sales team. Don't spend time and money on poorly qualified leads wasting precious sales resources. Our Lead Qualification service uncovers those who are not in a position to proceed (yet), don't have the authority to sign-off a purchase, or appear keen but actually aren't.
Your internal CRM can be easily filled with unqualified 'leads' that are a mix of old, dead or unknown positions. Letting Double Tap Marketing qualify your leads for you will leave you in a powerful position of knowing exactly who is worth your time, when they need to be spoken to next, what they need and how best to engage with them. All with updated contact details and permission granted to continue contacting.
If you use an internal qualification process like BANT (Budget, Authority, Need & purchase Timeline then we would match this and update notes accordingly. In addition, as not all information fits into this acronym, any feelings of compatibility, their perceived urgency for your service and any other factors would be noted.
Telemarketing Definitions
As with most services, there are varying levels of delivery and each one of the below has a place in the market. We typically only focus on the Business Development Calling as this approach works best for our clients.

Telesales (B2C)
Typically Business to Consumer, even the word 'Telesales' fills most with dread. Thankfully, what most people associate telesales with (i.e. the call as you've just sat down for dinner wanting to discuss your energy or 'we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty' has all but died a death with UK regulations.
The purpose of telesales is to get you to buy there and then, on that call. In our experience it's a quick ‘are you interested yes or no’ after reading a section of their script. They require very high volumes of calls (around 300 per day is standard in some companies) as the % of gaining a sale is so low with this process. Meaning the calls are kept short and only suit some types of businesses. They are almost always scripted with an auto-dialler for relentless efficiency.
For those companies that offer UK based telesales and they're discussing higher level closing of business (not from a single call) there's every chance it's a case of semantics and it's the B2C equivalent of what we define as telemarketing. If they use phrases like 'very persistent' or 'highly persuasive' then that's for you to decide.
This is a higher level calling, requiring more training and usually with a single purpose to the call and can be scripted or not. Part of a single marketing approach or the final element of a larger multi-touch campaign, Telemarketing includes elements of Business Intelligence gathering and wanting a fairly specific outcome from the call.
Covering everything from completing Customer Surveys on the phone, booking attendance at an Event, enriching databases with up to date information, generating and qualifying leads to booking in the appointment.
Feedback when asked to describe thoughts on what 'telemarketing' is, results in a mix of semi-scripted callers and conjures an image of a large, cubicled office, full of hustle and bustle, a good atmosphere and a swathe of different skillsets from trainees starting their first job to dedicated pros on the phone.
Telemarketing itself is considered a catchall term for someone on the phone moving prospects through the buying cycle at the right times so it's important to know not all telemarketing is created equal.

Business Development Calling
This is the level of calling most business owners prefer when given the option. It can only be carried out effectively by those with the correct training as there are no scripts in sight, only key questions and Business Intelligence gathering objectives to keep the conversations on track.
Fluidity, and the ability to go off-piste in the conversation and then bring it back is quite the skill and with it comes the reward. Our Business Development calling is similar to two business owners or key decision-makers discussing needs and services and what would actually be beneficial. By speaking at the same level of understanding, more information is shared freely, rapport is built and the start of a potentially long-term working relationship is started and then handed over to the client to continue and nurture.
The result of this is more appointments are created and it's especially ideal when there is considerable revenue on the line. For instance, if your margins are in the £10s of 000s per sale, this could be the only approach to consider to represent your brand.
This method requires a solid understanding of a clients service offering, and some research completed before picking up the phone to ensure a tailored call to exactly the person and business being spoken to.
Business Development calling takes a little longer to do as usually there is a lot of conversations with influencers and other teams before being able to speak with the key decision maker.
If you offer a service and due to the size of the prospect, the business owner may get involved, at the very least for final sign-off, this is the way to go.